Trinity Child Care is proud to meet the standards as recognized by the State of Indiana for the following entities.
Family and Social Services Administration Registered Ministries
Indiana Fire Marshal's Office
Voluntary Certification Program
Paths to Quality Level III
Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)
On My Way Pre-K
As a registered ministry and to reflect our commitment to quality, Trinity Child Care goes above and beyond the basic ministry requirements and has completed the Indiana state recognized Voluntary Certification Program (VCP). This program is recognized by the State of Indiana for meeting standards based on current licensing requirements. While voluntary, we feel it is important to be a part of a program that ensures the health and safety of your child is being met.
Trinity Child Care also actively participates in the Paths to QUALITY which is Indiana’s voluntary quality rating system. As a Paths to QUALITY provider, we demonstrate ongoing efforts to achieve higher standards of quality by meeting the following standards. We are a Level III provider.
Level I: Health and Safety Needs Met
Level II: Environment Supports Children’s Learning
Level III: Planned curriculum guides, child development, and school readiness. Providers have made a significant investment in the professional development of the staff, and incorporate family and staff input into the program.