We're so glad you're considering joining us for Easter! We believe that Jesus makes all the difference in life and made a way for us to find healing and satisfaction. Leading up to Easter we have several events & practices that will guide us as we remember all that Jesus has done for humanity. Traditionally, the season of Lent, a time of 40 days of prayer and fasting, leads up to holy week (the week before Easter). During holy week we take time to remember our ancient history as God's people and Jesus' death and resurrection which brings forgiveness and freedom to our lives!
Here is a little bit of info about each day of remembrance and you can find service times below!
On Maundy Thursday the church remembers the last evening Jesus shared with his disciples in the upper room before his arrest and crucifixion. Maundy Thursday marks three key events in Jesus’ last week: his washing of his disciples feet, his institution of the Lords Supper, and his new commandment to love one another.
Holy Saturday is marked by silence, reflection, and anticipation as we remember the pause and grief that came with the death of Jesus, who lay in a tomb, and await the good news of his resurrection.
Good Friday marks the death of Jesus Christ. It’s called “good because of what Jesus’ death means for the redemption of the world. It is a time to remember Jesus’ journey to the cross and what he accomplished in the atonement.
This day the church celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead conquering sin and death once and for all. It is the greatest day of celebration in the Christian year!
Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ together - the greatest news! You and your family are welcome to join us at any of our three service times on Sunday, March 31st. Trinity Kids programming will be open to kids birth - 4th grade. Join us as we gather, remember, and celebrate!
9709 Allisonville Road, Indianapolis
11721 Olio Road, Fishers